Monday, April 18, 2011

Happy Thoughts by JBetty are Happy Thoughts for April 18, 2011

Happy Thought 1: I have always envisioned having parties and fun get-togethers in the way-back yard at the house. The closest we had come was having our Auburn/Alabama game night on the big screen outside before Dad died. Saturday was just as great. Joseph and Tara's Sunday School class had an egg hunt and picnic at our house and it was a ton of fun. All of those little children running around "hunting" for eggs was heaven for me. They were all so happy and then they ate and then they ran around some more. The best part was that they had no toys (other than the eggs) and they had tons of fun. They were really interested in the bamboo as well. It was like old-timey had to think of it yourself and running for no reason was fun enough.

Happy Thought 2: Thursday is bunko night! I can't wait to see my married with children friends this week. As a semi-permanent sub I see them about once a month and it is a highlight. I missed last month because I was ini the middle of a self-centered pity party about my back. Luckily, I am much better and I can't wait to see my sweet friends who love me even though I don't have a husband or kids! I keep hoping one of them will think of a great husband for me.

Happy Thought 3: My life is not settled in many ways, but for the past week or so, I have a great hope that something great and wonderful and perfect is about to happen. I don't know what it is. I just know that my job is up in the air, my house needs to sell, I need to be a better person in so many ways...I am happy about the possibilities and I an excited to see how things are going to shake out.

Happy Thought 4: I thought a friend was upset with me, but after yesterday, I think everything is good between us.

Happy Thought 5: My family is going to be together next Saturday and I can't wait. I am so content when the boys are home with their wives and babies. It just makes me happy.

Happy Thought 6: My lemon tree is doing great so far and the apples are already forming on the apple tree and come to find out we have a bluberry tree that is producing fruit as well! How exciting!

Happy Thought 7: Jesus is alive!