Monday, August 30, 2010

Starting Over...

So today is August 30th. In the very recent past, I have been totally bummed out and discouraged because I had awful poison ivy, some kind of physical reaction to the medication, some kind of anxiety-related reaction to the steroids, I touched a snake on my porch, I didn't get picked for the Priase Team at church, I had to take another stupid CPA test that I didn't study enough for, I found out I didn't pass one of the other stupid CPA tests that I didn't study enough for, Annie has to get tubes in her ears, our house is still not sold, the grass and stupid hedges just keep growing (along with the poison), limbs keep falling in the yard, I missed the beach with my friends, I missed the lake with some other friends, and my doctor quit. I AM TIRED OF IT ALL!!!! Really, feel free to stop all this at any time and just fix it. (I am saying this to God because I know He can and there is very little I seem to be able to do about any of it.) So, today I am going to complain and rant and cuss and take out every frustration and anxiety on this poor keyboard. I am going to explain just how BAD it is and then it is going to be over and I am going to start over...but not yet!

So the poison ivy sucks. It is "gone" but I now have dry red patches all over my legs. It is really nice looking. Thankfully they don't itch...but this post is not about thankfulness. It is about whining, pure and simple. So when it comes to poison ivy, I also am now afraid of everything in the yard that doesn't look exactly like a blade of grass. That is pretty bad since I have to keep our 3 acre yard semi-decent looking. I used to pray that God would encourage the snakes and things to run to the edges while I mowed, raked, whatever and then they could come back. Now I just want to be wrapped in saran-wrap on a mower with 22s so I will be way off the ground. I am scared dad-gum-it!

And what the heck is that stupid snake doing on my porch. Go make yourself at home in the back yard and leave me the heck alone. What have I done to deserve this???

Then I am not mad, but my feelings were totally hurt when I didn't make the cut for the praise team. Cut me some slack people. Don't tell me that my voice isn't suited to the style, when you have much older more formal voices already up there. And I dare say, my voice is not "formal". Plus, that was really a big deal to me and I really wanted to be a part of the praise team and ya'll totally messed it up. It was going to be fun and I was going to make new friends and we were going to get a long together really well and sing once a month. Dude, why? Could ya build a girls' self-esteem even a smidge?

I am sick of these stupid CPA tests. Somebody please remind me not to go back to school or do anything else that requires studying and tests for at least 10 years. I am too old for this and Sylvan learning centers suck. They are gross and the people that work there are really annoying when you are already stressed out about taking these ridiculously expensive tests. At the moment, I would really like to chuck it all but who can afford that?

And can somebody please buy our stupid house? Seriously!!!! Maybe a nice homeschooling couple with 5 or 6 children who don't watch tv. There is plenty of room for a garden and a goat and a couple of chickens too.

So now that you know everything is stupid and just how sick and tired I am of all of is time to start over.

My only goal is to write something positive tomorrow.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Maybe September will be better...

Totally bummed out. I thought that my string of "bad luck" etc. would end and that this week would be way better. I was wrong. I think August is just not my month. I'm hoping September will be better. We shall see... :-(

Monday, August 16, 2010

I have leprosy and I touched a snake...

Seriously. Technically, it is not leprosy, but I think it kind of looks like leprosy. My poison has gone bananas and I think I may go insane from the itching. Everyone at work tells me that now days people go to the doctor and get a shot for it instead of riding it out. Since we are now more than a week with it, I am going to the doctor to see if they can help. Plus I am supposed to go to the beach this weekend and there is NO WAY I can wear shorts much less get into a bathing suit and swim in a public pool. People would be screaming and running shortly before management came to ask me to leave and then they drained the pools and lazy river and scrubbed them with clorox. It really is that gross.

Second, and slighlty more traumatic, yet in a different way...I touched a snake Saturday night. My mom and I had bought groceries and we had already taken one load in when I came back out to get a second load. I was going down the steps and grabbed the rail and just so happened to grab the snake at the same time. I thought I was going to die. By the time I quit screaming and we had found a flash light and called Neil Messick to come save us, it was gone.

Basically it was a rough weekend! So this week has got to have some really bright spots in it to make up for all of that!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Today, the goal is to prepare for the weekend!

Today is Thursday, which means that the weekend is within sight. Before it gets here there are a few chores and un-fun things that must be done.

First...mow the front yard. I can do this and as always my prayer will be "Please don't let me see/feel any snakes.". If they will just go and hide until I am done then they are welcome to comeback out...just not while I am out there. :-)

Second, I must collect all of the hair off of the bathroom floor and properly dispose of it. It is amazing the amount of hair that my mom and I lose...and every bit of it winds up on the bathroom floor. So, I am going to scrub all surfaces including the floor.

Third, make a bag of Andy/Lindsay stuff. There are a bunch of presents and other stuff that need to go to Birmingham on Saturday. So I should pack it in a bag now so that I have a day or so to remember what I forgot to put in it.

Fourth, I need to mapquest the antique stores that mom and I are going to visit on our way up there. That will mean maxing out shopping time while minimuming out travel time. (Minimuming is not a word...but is still works)

I think that is enough in the way of self-assignments before Saturday.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I thought I was immune!

So my leg has been itching since last Thursday. I thought it was a mosquito bite but it has spread over the last few days and it itches like all get out. I think I have gotten into some poison. Uhh! I thought I was immune. Joseph and I both have worked in the yard all of our lives and when everyone else got poison, somehow we didn't. Well, apparently my streak/immunity has come to an end. And I would like to apologize to anyone that I failed to give proper sympathy to during similar bouts. I just didn't know how crazy it was driving you. Please forgive me!